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Translation industry is well known in our life. As translators, do you know how to improve your translation level? Still not clear friends to listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company!


1Interpreters and translators should concentrate on understanding the meaning of the original text


Interpretation must first understand the meaning of the original text. Understanding the meaning of the original is the first step of translation. Different listening methods should be adopted according to different subjects. If it is news or fast reading of the original should grasp the important meaning of each sentence or paragraph, do not care about the meaning of individual words.


When interpreting in a press conference or in court, you should understand the meaning of every sentence carefully. Because every sentence in these situations is of great significance, once the information is misinterpreted, interpretation will lose its meaning. The translator should concentrate on the translation and avoid losing the translation content due to distraction.


In order to improve the speed of information acquisition, the interpreter should train the speed of listening. In the process of interpreting, the memory of translation is shown in two aspects:


1. It is necessary to remember a large number of words so as to be able to blurt out when interpreting. This mainly involves long-term memory.


2. It is necessary to express what others say in a short period of time in detail as much as possible. This belongs to the category of short-term memory.


2The key is to make good notes


In the process of interpretation, due to the urgency of time, the ability of memory and expression is required to be quite high. In order to ensure the quality of translation, note taking is an effective skill to improve speed.


Note taking is conducive to memory. Some translation information is complex and redundant with many numbers and proper nouns. Without note taking, it is difficult for translators to store all the information in their minds, which will eventually lead to incomplete and inaccurate translation information.


Interpretation notes are different from class notes or meeting minutes. In terms of timeliness, interpretation notes are only used for on-site translation, while class notes or meeting minutes need to be kept for a long time.


The principle of conciseness and clear organization should be maintained when making interpretation notes. Note taking is a process in which the interpreter, while listening to and understanding the speech, records the important information of the speech (including the topic, key points, date, place name, life, etc.) in simple words and symbols.


Some of the fixed symbols and characters in the notes can be accepted by various languages, and become the common "language" of the notes.


Including: English abbreviations and simple Chinese characters, punctuation marks, mathematical symbols, English abbreviations, arrows, numbers, dashes (to indicate emphasis or negation), etc., sometimes even draw some simple figures. Notes for interpretation should be recorded with a hard case notebook in one hand, and it is forbidden to take notes with single flexible folded paper.


3The interpreter can predict the content of the translation


In order to improve the speed of translation so that the translator can express the translation content in time, the translator can first ask the translator to understand the situation of translation, and should understand the background knowledge of translation.


When interpreting, we can make predictions according to the theme of the meeting. In many cases, the prediction is because the sentence is too long to hear the meaning of the whole sentence in time. At this time, we should break the sentence or guess the meaning of the whole sentence according to the beginning of the sentence.


4Interpreting translators need to master interpreting skills


Interpretation expression is the last step of interpretation, which directly affects the communication between the speaker and the hearer, and also affects the trust of both sides to the interpreter. Translators should get rid of the shackles of the original text and separate the words and meanings of the source language. The most important thing is to let the interpreter express the meaning of the original truthfully.


In addition, the interpreter may encounter some specific problems in the process of expression. The interpreter can use other interpretation techniques, such as asking, repeating or using circuitous expression of the meaning of the source language according to his own understanding, etc., to express the understood content as much as possible, and emphasize the internal logic and relevance of the expression, the degree of understanding and accuracy, and fluency.


5Using body language to help interpretation


Interpretation is an on-the-spot translation activity. Sometimes it is not enough only to express orally, but also to help to express the translated content with the help of external conditions. In the translation of emotional style, the translator can also use the corresponding body language to express.

创建时间:2021-01-01 17:10
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