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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  There are many details to be paid attention to in the process of translation, especially in patent translation. In order to avoid the occurrence of problems, we need to pay more attention to them. So let Beijing Translation Company introduce to you today what problems patent translation needs to avoid.


  The translation of high-quality patent application documents is of great significance to whether the final patent application can be authorized: if there are errors in the translation, it may lead to the failure of authorization; even authorization, it may lead to invalidation of patent rights or infringement litigation stage to allow competitors to take advantage of. Therefore, strict translation and quality control processes, as well as multilingual professional teams with intellectual property knowledge, technical knowledge in related fields and linguistic competence, are the basis to ensure the provision of high-quality patent document translation services.


  1. Being unfamiliar with patent law and related laws and regulations, arbitrary translation results in the translation not conforming to some rigid provisions.


  2. Additional translation, omission or mistranslation of the original text will result in the expansion or reduction of the scope of original protection.


  3. The inaccuracy of the unification and distinction of terminology leads to the unclear reference of the translated text and the invalidity of the technical scheme.


  4. The inadequate understanding of the original text leads to a far cry between the meaning of the translated text and that of the original text, which ultimately leads to the ineffectiveness of the technical scheme.

创建时间:2019-04-09 18:21
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