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Because of the differences in language order and thinking logic between Japanese and Chinese, we need to seriously study the characteristics of Japanese when we translate Japanese, so let Beijing translation company introduce the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of Japanese translation in detail!


1The correct use of auxiliary words, because Japanese is adhesive language, different from Chinese independent language, Japanese relies on the adhesion of auxiliary words or auxiliary verbs to express the function of each word in the sentence. Therefore, when we translate, we need to distinguish the usage of auxiliary words, because the same sentence uses different auxiliary words, the meaning of the sentence will also be different, so in order to do translation, it is very important to master the usage of auxiliary words and auxiliary verbs.


2Distinguish notional words from function words correctly. If you have any experience in learning Japanese, you should know that Japanese can be divided into notional words and function words according to whether they contain semantic concepts. Notional words refer to the parts of speech that express certain semantic concepts. Generally speaking, they can be used as sentence components or the core parts of sentence components; Function word refers to a kind of words that do not express semantic concepts and can not be used as sentence components alone, but can only play certain grammatical functions or add meaning with notional words. In the process of translation, it is necessary to distinguish them, analyze and sort out the meaning of sentences, and do not translate them casually, causing unnecessary trouble.


3In the process of Japanese interpretation, it is necessary to control the intonation. The tone of Japanese can only be divided into high and low beats. The tone changes between kana and kana. Each kana represents a beat. Because the position of stress is different, the meaning of words is different. If we read wrong, we will have misunderstanding. Therefore, in sentence translation, especially in the process of interpretation, we must pay attention to the control of pronunciation and intonation.


4Pay attention to the use of Jian Jing style. Japanese is mainly divided into honorific style and simplified style. Due to the differences in gender, age, region, occupation, identity, social status and the occasion, the specific language used by people is also different in different degrees. In the process of translation, great attention should be paid to them. If they are not expressed correctly, they will leave a bad impression on the other side.

创建时间:2021-01-13 09:23
首页    日语翻译过程中需要注意的问题

