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  Beijing Translation Company, in order to translate content more in line with customer standards, first of all, we set a standard for ourselves when translating, so today let Beijing Translation Company introduce to you what are the three standards of translation.


  The First Translation Criterion -- "Faith is Better than Faith"


  This translation standard was put forward by Mr. Lu Xun, a great master of Chinese literature. We can not simply understand it as seeking "faithfulness" regardless of the fluency and smoothness of the translation. Lu Xun put forward that the translation criterion was based on Liang Shiqiu, Zhao Jingshen and other scholars'viewpoint of "Ning Er Wushun". Lu Xun has his own opinion on "not going well", which does not mean that "Tianhe" should be translated into "Milk Road". Lu Xun believed that "translation must take into account both sides. On the one hand, of course, it is easy to understand, on the other hand, it is necessary to preserve the style of the original work". In order to translate articles well, we should not only have a solid foundation in foreign languages, but also learn the customs and cultural history of the countries where foreign languages are used, so that literal translation and free translation complement, integrate, penetrate and complement each other.


  Lu Xun's translation criteria have left a deep impression on people in the history of Chinese translation, but their influence is not very great. The problem is that Mr. Lu Xun's interpretation of the relationship between "faithfulness" and "compliance" is not convincing.


  The Second Translation Criterion --"Spiritual Similarity" and "Formal Similarity"


  The translation criteria of "spirit likeness" and "form likeness" were put forward by Fu Lei, a famous translator in China. In the preface to the reinterpreted version of Old Man Gao (1951), he writes: "In terms of effect, translation should be like a face painting, not in form but in spirit."


  As far as literary translation is concerned, Fu Lei's translation criteria of "spirit likeness" and "form likeness" have great influence on our country, and they have great guiding significance for our country's translation theory construction and translation practice. On the basis of Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Lin Yutang and others, he developed the theory that translating works of art must be "vivid".


  The Third Translation Criterion --"Huajing"


  The translation criterion of "Huajing" was put forward by Qian Zhongshu, a well-known scholar in China. In his opinion, the ideal of literary translation can be said to be "transformation", that is, when a work is transformed from one country's text to another country's text, it can not only show rigid and far-fetched traces due to the differences in expressing habits, but also fully express the flavor of the original work.


  Mr. Qian's translation criteria of "Huajing" are similar to those of Fu Lei's "Shensi" and "Shape Similarity", which are also aimed at literary translation. However, the translation of other styles (except advertising style) has little practical value. For example, the translation of laws and regulations does not exist the problem of "transfiguration", because the language of laws and regulations is rigorous and standardized. In the process of translation, there is no need for imagination to "create".


  These are the translation standards shared by Beijing Translation Company. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about translation, you can watch other articles on this site.

创建时间:2019-04-26 14:24
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