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  When looking for Beijing Translation Company, people always want to exchange the lowest price for high-quality translation. We should know that the quality and price are proportional. Do you know the relationship between the price and quality of translation?


  Whatever industry or field, there is a good wish for "good quality and low price". This word is a very attractive idiom. Unfortunately, more and more people have misunderstood his meaning. Good quality and low price are relative. Not all things are cheap in terms of good quality. In fact, price and quality are always proportional to each other. Sometimes, there is something superior in quality. Value of the situation, but it is impossible to survive, otherwise how come the attraction of value for money?

  “物美价廉”英语翻译有很多, high quality with the most favorable price,a good bargain,what a steal,good/great value,rock-bottom price,inexpensive,cheap and fine/cheerful,excellent quality and reasonable price,物美价廉翻译时基本都是把质量与价格放在同等地位的,现实中物美价廉更好的体现在质量有保障的前提下最合理的价格,能让人感觉到物有所值,而不是单纯的看价格高低,价廉跟廉价同样的两个字,位置不同意义也不同。价廉的东西质量有保障且价格低廉,廉价的东西对应的却大多都是质量一般,或者有瑕疵。

  There are many English translations of "good quality with the most favorable price, a good bargain, what a steal, good/great value, rock-bottom price, inexpensive, cheap and fine/cheerful, excellent quality and reasonable price". In reality, the quality and price are basically put on the same position in the translation of "good quality and reasonable price". Now the most reasonable price under the premise of quality assurance can make people feel value for money, rather than simply looking at the price level, the same word as cheap, the location of different meanings. Cheap things are guaranteed in quality and cheap in price, but most of the cheaper things correspond to ordinary quality or defective.

  目前有很多需要翻译说明书、翻译证件、翻译宣传资料或者招标书等,询价中一味的只看重价格——选最低价,结果很多资料翻译出来后质量有问题,词不达意,不得不来回返稿修改,最后是钱也花了,时间浪费了,翻译质量还不过关,价廉物差(cheap and nasty),典型的“赔了夫人又折兵”。或许有人会问,是不是说所有低价的都不好呢?告诉你,当然不是,对于质量要求不高,主要用于内部参考的文件,是非常推荐用低价做的,节约成本还能快速达成阅读的目的;但如果是要进行对外使用、发布、宣传的资料,翻译时要来回推敲用词费时费力,就一定要考虑清楚一分价钱一分货的真谛。

  At present, there are a lot of translation instructions, translation documents, translation of publicity materials or tenders, etc. Inquiries only focus on the price - the lowest price. As a result, a lot of materials are translated and the quality is not satisfactory, so they have to be revised back and forth. Finally, the money is spent, the time is wasted, the quality of translation is not good enough, and the price and nasty are poor. The type of "lost his wife and lost his army". Perhaps some people will ask, is all low prices bad? Tell you, of course not, for the quality requirements are not high, mainly for internal reference documents, is very recommended to do with low prices, cost savings can quickly achieve the purpose of reading; but if it is to use, publish, publicize information, translation to and fro to deliberate on the use of words, it must be time-consuming and laborious. Consider clearly the essence of "one price, one goods".


  When choosing a translation company, the translation price is certainly the most important part, but the price is not the only criterion. It also depends on the quality, time, service, document use and so on. Considering various factors comprehensively, we should choose the most suitable price. This is the real "good quality, low price" and "true translation".

创建时间:2019-04-28 11:20
首页    在北京翻译公司翻译的价格和质量有着怎样的关系?

