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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



Now there are more and more translation companies, so do you know how to quickly select the right translation company from the numerous translation companies? Friends who are not clear, come to listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company!


1. The quality of the company's official website. The entry threshold of translation companies is low. Some start-up companies may not have their own official websites, but only through offline publicity. The strength of these companies is generally not particularly strong. Therefore, the quality of the official website is an important factor to measure whether a translation company is large or not.


2. The company's reputation. We can search the company's word-of-mouth platform through the Internet to inquire about the company's word-of-mouth. We need to know whether the organization of the translation company is good, whether the Department is perfect


3. Can translation companies try to translate. After understanding the general background of the company and the basic information of the interpreter, you can ask if the company provides trial translation. However, due to the free trial translation, there will be a certain limit on the number of words. Therefore, you can select the representative paragraphs in the document for trial translation, and give priority to understand the quality problems of the target translation company.


4. You should know the general price division of the market by yourself. Although the specific quotation of each translation company is different, the general price is almost the same. Those companies that are far below the market price can be basically excluded. Low price means low cost in a large part. The greater the value, the higher the price. For those companies with low prices, the quality of translation cannot be guaranteed.


5. In addition, integrity is the foundation of the company. As an enterprise, integrity is its life and soul. In order to win customers, some companies falsely claim the translator's translation level, and their manuscripts are unsatisfactory, unable to meet the needs of customers.


6. The company should provide a good confidentiality mechanism. The translation manuscripts provided by customers may contain a large number of customer information and trade secrets. If they are leaked, they will cause huge losses to customers. Before translation, we must see if the company has signed a confidentiality agreement with the client.


7. Whether the company's translation fields and languages are complete or not, generally formal and well-known companies have professional talents in various fields, and there are not only several languages, at least dozens of languages, such as English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and so on.


创建时间:2021-02-02 19:46
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