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When people are looking for a translation company, they will definitely look for a formal translation company. But now the translation market is mixed. Do you know what the qualifications of a formal translation company are? Here is a detailed introduction:


1Registration time


If you want to serve us through a regular translation company, you should first understand the basic information of the company. Make clear the specific registration time, registered capital and operation period of the translation company. Many friends will ignore this step and directly investigate the translation strength of the company. In fact, the investigation of basic information can also let us have a more intuitive understanding of the specific strength of the company. For example, by checking the establishment time of the company, we can know the age of the company. After all, most companies without certain strength are difficult to survive for more than 5 years, so such a time limit can also provide a certain guarantee for our translation materials.


2Translation quality


After the information of the company is clear, we will investigate the content translated by the company. In fact, many translation companies are "specialized in technology", so if there are only two or three people in the company to do translation, then the quality of service can be imagined. Of course, many regular translation companies will also consider the cost issue, so as to recruit part-time workers, which needs to be said separately.


3Real case


If we want to examine the qualification of a regular translation company, we can also draw a conclusion through the customer's case. Want to understand the past customer cases for translation quality comparison, we can better understand the strength of the company.


4Business negotiation


For many regular translation companies, this kind of negotiation needs professionals to engage in. From the initial quotation to the final contract signing, many regular companies will issue a contract with legal benefits to establish the cooperation relationship between the two sides. Of course, many contract terms will also be accompanied by confidentiality agreements, invoices and other items.


创建时间:2020-04-14 20:55
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