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  With the rapid development of the construction industry, on-site translation of engineering technology is particularly important. In order to communicate more limited, we need to know what interpretation skills are in engineering translation. So let Beijing Translation Company introduce this issue in detail today.



  1. Engineering technology interpreting in engineering construction translation has conciseness; on the premise that the relevant personnel of engineering construction do not intentionally ambiguity, the discourse of Engineering translators should be concise and clear. Business talks often encounter such situations, sometimes the speaker does not want to answer the other party's questions, or intentionally avoid, will deliberately vague words, or even answer non-questions. Engineering technology translation focuses on the relevant language sentences and vocabulary of the project, which are concise and concise.


  2. Accuracy and completeness of engineering technology translation in engineering construction translation; Accuracy is the most basic requirement of Engineering translators. Translators need to be accurate and correct, and choose words appropriately and appropriately. Integrity refers to the translation of the content, can not be arbitrarily added to the original speaker did not have the content, not only requires the interpreter to think agile, always keep a clear mind, but also requires the interpreter to have a deep foundation, a solid bilingual foundation, and constantly learn to enrich themselves.


  3. The timeliness of engineering technical interpretation in engineering construction translation; the translator should adjust the translation activities in time. After the speaker has finished speaking, the translator will translate the translation in two to three seconds. This involves the translator's instantaneous memory, communicate with both Chinese and foreign sides in advance, so that both sides try to avoid talking nonstop. If necessary, the interpreter should carry a notebook and take notes to assist the translation. Of course, with the continuous improvement of translation ability, the time for continuous translation should also be extended.


  4. The clarity of engineering technical interpretation in engineering construction translation; the engineering interpreter can distinguish the engineer's voice clearly, and the interpreter can't carry dialect and accent in translation. Since Chinese and foreign speakers come from different regions and countries, whether in Chinese or English, their speeches inevitably have local accents. Translators should not only understand them, but also translate them with clear standard pronunciation. Putonghua is naturally used in English translation, and standard international phonetic pronunciation should also be used as far as possible in Chinese-English translation.

创建时间:2019-05-16 20:35
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