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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



When choosing Beijing translation company, we should pay attention to the qualification and service process of Beijing translation company. Besides, a qualified translator is also very important. Do you know what qualities a qualified translator needs to have in Beijing translation company? Here is a detailed introduction:


1. To master the common terminology in your work, you should have a sense of responsibility and flexible professional ability.


2. Have rich foreign language knowledge and skills, deep understanding of the original text, excellent basic knowledge of Chinese, and broad knowledge vision.


3. In addition, we need to study hard and ask questions. You are not likely to master all the knowledge and skills. You can only make your language expression more professional if you fully read and train relevant materials before translation.


4. Not only the professional ability, but also the translator's native language ability. Take China as an example to understand and master the Chinese culture!


5. Skilled and unique internet search skills. Now is the information age, new things are emerging rapidly, good translation needs to move towards the direction of "learning is using". The original learning strategy was to store knowledge and skills in advance, that is, to be talented. Now most of your trucks can no longer keep up with you. For example, if a translation company wants you to translate a Hong Kong place name "gannodun road", how long will it take you to read a special English Dictionary of place names? It's also a big place name, which may be found in the English dictionary. If you look up the "Sun Tower", maybe none of the English dictionaries. But it's easy to search on the Internet.


6. Master the meaning of translation and understand the importance of information search; love translation, have deep Chinese ability, at least understand what is translated; love the truth, and do not translate the original text in order to make the translation smooth.


7. Have certain literature background and scientific quality; often read and train foreign books or magazines; always have curiosity!


8. Fully and correctly understand the cultural differences between the two countries. The most important thing is the love for two languages, or the love and interest for translation work. When you feel that you love this matter, you will naturally try your best to do well. Next is to have talent, an inspiration, a sense of mastery of language expression. As for translation skills, knowledge and skills, it is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, which cannot be enforced.

创建时间:2021-03-08 20:56
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