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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



In translation companies, we can learn about simultaneous interpretation, a new type of translation service. Do you know the characteristics of simultaneous interpretation? If you don't know, please listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company!


1. Efficiency and synchronization


The difference between simultaneous interpretation and other translation methods is that this translation mode is based on the speaker's synchronization, in other words, it can translate the content of the speaker synchronously and quickly. From the mode of simultaneous interpretation, it can be seen that there are generally 3-4 translators sitting in the interpreter room in the simultaneous interpretation equipment. After 20 minutes of translation, they switch to each other to ensure the efficiency of simultaneous interpretation service.


2. Accuracy


Compared with other translation modes, the accuracy of simultaneous interpretation service is required to be more than 80%. Of course, this service mode also has high requirements for practitioners. Simultaneous translators need to have a certain vocabulary and foundation, and at the same time, they need to be fluent in the cohesion of various words. In addition to accurately convey the required information, simultaneous interpretation service personnel also need to have certain encyclopedic knowledge, because the topics and contents discussed in many occasions are not the same. Mastering the basic knowledge of various industries will help their translation more accurate.


3. Service


As mentioned above, the simultaneous interpretation service has a strong shadow of the third service industry. From the customer's choice to rent the corresponding simultaneous interpretation equipment, the merchant has to provide the corresponding equipment installation and laying technicians to ensure the fluency of the equipment in the midway. At the same time, the dispatch of translators is indispensable. From the user's point of view, in the process of using the equipment, we need to follow the rules and regulations in the lease contract. The user's obligation is to maintain the equipment in the process of equipment leasing. In the mode of simultaneous interpretation service, both Party A and Party B have their obligations and responsibilities in the process of using it.


创建时间:2021-03-24 20:53
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