




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



Now, there are more and more translation companies. Do you know what the process of translation is when we cooperate with Beijing translation company? I don't know if my friends come to hear the introduction of Beijing Zhilian Wentong translation company!

  第一步: 客户代表根据稿件内容,数量,类型,介绍相关经验,初步确定价格,稿期。

Step 1: the customer representative will introduce relevant experience according to the content, quantity, type, and determine the price and draft period preliminarily.

  第二步:确定译员,根据稿件的内容,类型, 客户需要的领域内具有专业知识背景、能够胜任翻译项目,并且我们对译员的技能与资质进行仔细分析与认定。确定译员,按照质量要求进行翻译。

Step 2: determine the translator, according to the content, type, and the field required by the client, have professional knowledge background and be competent for the translation project. We will analyze and identify the skills and qualifications of the interpreter carefully. Identify the translator and translate according to the quality requirements.

  第三步:为了保持翻译质量和用词规范统一,将建立统一的术语管理系统和符合特定行业和特定文化背景的术语表。 一级译员或行业专家对资料(项目)进行专业划分,并对资料/项目的专业程度深入分析,确定翻译所需的资源配置。

Step 3: in order to maintain the unity of translation quality and word usage standard, a unified term management system and glossary will be established in line with specific industries and specific cultural background. The first level interpreter or industry expert shall divide the data (project) into disciplines, and analyze the professional level of the data / Project in-depth to determine the resource allocation required for translation.


Step 4: the translation team shall establish unified industry terms according to quality control standards, clarify the cultural background of materials and projects, unify the format of the translated documents and unify the language style of the translated documents.


Step 5: after the translation, senior reviewers shall conduct the second review and proofreading of the translated manuscript. The process will completely eliminate spelling, typing and grammatical errors, and ensure the word usage is appropriate and consistent, and the second draft will be produced.


Step 6: adjust the format according to the requirements of the customer, arrange and edit the third draft.


Step 7: the translated manuscript will be sent to you by fax, email or free postal delivery. After the translation is completed, we will properly handle your manuscript (including fax, copy and data format document) according to your requirements or the confidentiality management method formulated by us to meet your requirements on document confidentiality.

创建时间:2021-03-30 14:41
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