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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  In order to better internationalize their business, many enterprises will choose outsourcing services in translation companies. So what should we pay attention to when they choose outsourcing services? Let's introduce them to you in detail.


  1. 您确认需要翻译吗?

  1. Do you confirm the need for translation?


  When you start planning a project, you often find that a large number of documents need to be translated. But after careful consideration, you will find that translation is actually only a part of it. Seriously screening documents that need to be translated can help you save time and control costs. After fully understanding the actual demand situation, when negotiating with the translation company, you can set the quality standards, schedule, quotation and other issues of concern to you.

  2. 图片比语言更有说服力

  2. Pictures are more persuasive than words


  In many cases, using pictures, charts and other ways can save a lot of language.

  3. 一开始就要有“国际化”的概念

  3. Start with the concept of "internationalization"


  When preparing the original document, try to avoid strong local characteristics or a large number of local slang, because translation of such documents often requires adding many interpretative languages, and it is difficult to achieve the original expression effect. Therefore, please communicate well with the team responsible for international affairs and control the local color of the original document appropriately.

  4. 需要的是一家翻译公司还是自由译者?

  4. What is needed is a translation company or a freelance translator?


  Translation companies and freelancers have their own advantages. Companies generally charge higher fees because they offer more comprehensive services and can handle large projects that freelancers cannot handle. Translation companies can generally provide perfect quality control standards and quality control processes (only regular companies will have), and the corresponding team services will be charged. On the contrary, the price of the translation company is relatively fixed, and the customers have no initiative. Another option is to go to some translation e-commerce websites to publish projects. These translation outsourcing websites often gather a large number of translations in various languages, and the prices are relatively cheap.

  5. 需要的是什么级别的译稿?

  5. What level of translation is required?


  Generally speaking, translations provided by free translators still need proofreading and polishing, often referred to as "reference level" translations. The quality of such translations is lower than that of "publishing grade" translations, but it takes less time and costs less. Many freelancers and some translation companies generally provide "reference-level" translations. In order to get more suitable translations, when negotiating with translation suppliers, please specify the specific criteria you want to meet.

  6. 无需事必躬亲

  6. Do not have to do everything yourself

  随着全民文化素质的不断提高,懂外语的人越来越多,在更是如此,但是懂英文和做翻译还存在一定区别。优秀的译者不仅精通一门外语,更具有高于一般水平的母语撰写能力,并且还需掌握一种或多种翻译辅助工具如(雅信CAT、weeyee DT等),以提高工作效率,实现团队合作。更重要的是,翻译工作需耗费大量的时间和精力,您让公司内的专业人才花费大量的工作时间做翻译,是否得不偿失呢?

  With the continuous improvement of the cultural quality of the whole people, more and more people know foreign languages, especially in this case, but there are still some differences between knowing English and doing translation. Excellent translators are not only proficient in a foreign language, but also have a higher level of native language writing ability than the general level. They also need to master one or more translation AIDS (ATS, weeyee DT, etc.) to improve work efficiency and achieve team work. More importantly, translation work takes a lot of time and energy. Would it be worthwhile for you to let professionals in your company spend a lot of working time doing translation?

  7. 原文还要再改动吗?

  7. Should the original text be changed again?


  It is not a very clever way to translate while writing a document. Editing and revising translations will not only take more time, but also increase your translation costs.

  8. 请详细阐述译文的用途

  8. Please elaborate on the purpose of the translation.


  Only by fully understanding the purpose of the translated text can translators be appointed in accordance with this requirement, so as to maximize the impact of the target text on the audience and achieve the desired objectives. So please be patient with the translator and see who is the translator.

  9. 真正的职业翻译只使用母语撰写译文

  9. Real professional translators only use their mother tongue to write translations


  First of all, the translator and the reader must use the same language. Except for native translators, no one can be sure to understand the nuances of complex languages.

  10. 文件的技术性越强,译者对文件应该了解的越透彻

  10. The more technical the document is, the more thorough the translator should understand the document.


  Technical translation requires translators to have a certain professional background and excellent understanding of the original text. If you are sure that the original document belongs to a more professional field, please try to relax the deadline for delivery, and provide professional support as far as possible, so that the translator can easily access every professional term, to ensure that you want the translation.

  11. 您的翻译供应商是否校对过排版后的文件

  11. Does your translation provider proofread the typesetted documents?


  The effect of typesetting will not affect the accuracy and fluency of text translation, but professional and excellent translation service providers should proofread the fully typesetted documents.

  12. 充分考虑不同语言排版习惯

  12. Consider the typesetting habits of different languages


  Although some countries use the same language, they have different writing habits. If you want the translation to be used in a particular country, be sure to understand the instructions.

创建时间:2019-06-28 11:55
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