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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



    Now many translation companies are very professional and will check the translated documents after the completion of the work. Do you know how to check the translation work? Here is a detailed introduction:


There are many ways to check and examine your translation to make sure it is perfect. Each has its own process and benefits.


Beijing translation company can provide complete translation and review process


You can have your own insiders check the translation


You can have your domestic team check the translation


In order to get the best output when auditing, it may be useful to have domain experts audit the translation.


If you decide to have your translation reviewed internally by native speakers, please let us know so that we can provide the best review process for your project and include this step in the project life cycle and plan.


Translation is preferential to some extent


Everyone has their own way of communication, style preferences and preferred wording. One person's personal preferences are not necessarily more correct than another, and there is more than one right way to express the same idea. The translator may say that a person is sitting at the "desk" of the "office", while the commentator prefers to say that the person is sitting at the "workstation" of the "company place". In essence, however, these two statements mean the same thing.

  翻译审查清单; 检查您的翻译

Translation review checklist; check your translation


High quality translation: translation and proofreading


In its 35 years of experience, Beijing translation company has developed a well tested process to provide high quality translation. A professional translation team composed of translators and independent reviewers will provide excellent translation with the following characteristics:


The translated text is grammatically correct without spelling errors or misspellings


The translated text is the accurate translation of its source text


The translated text can read the target audience fluently


The translated text has the same purpose as the source text, but in a way that persuades the target audience to initially write the text for them


However, sometimes even if the translation quality is good, it may not always meet the customer's preference of 100%.


Comments from non-verbal professionals


Nonverbal professionals or domain expert reviewers often use terms and styles that reflect the way customers and users usually communicate. They can ensure that the translator reads fluently in their language and that it uses the appropriate industry vocabulary and terminology. They can also ensure that translation serves the right purpose.

  但是,非语言专业人员很容易在评论中引入语法和拼写错误。此外,他们的评论往往不太忠实于原始来源,因此在某种程度上可以被视为更像是本地化或翻译。从销售和营销的角度来看,对原始资源的忠诚度较低; 但是,它可能会使公司面临无意的法律,保修,健康和安全或合同责任。

However, it is easy for non-verbal professionals to introduce grammatical and spelling errors into their comments. In addition, their comments tend to be less faithful to the original source, so to some extent they can be seen as more like localization or translation. From a sales and marketing perspective, loyalty to the original resources is low; however, it may expose the company to unintentional legal, warranty, health and safety or contractual liability.


Best practices


If you decide to audit sensitive marketing and sales documents, you should follow best practices to ensure the quality of the final publication:


Let Beijing translation company and Professional Commentators create translations.


Have local domain experts review and update translation.


Ask Beijing translation company to check the correct grammar and spelling, and check whether the comments are still faithful to the original text and consistently applied throughout the material.


创建时间:2020-04-20 20:27
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