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  Interpretation is a very challenging job in Beijing Translation Company. We should know that interpreters not only have strong psychological qualities, but also have very high requirements for the responsiveness of the interpreters in Beijing Translation Company. Even in this way, the interpreters will inevitably make some mistakes in the process of translation. Today let Beijing Translation Company introduce to you what are the common mistakes in the process of interpretation.


  1. 记笔记贪多贪全

  1. take notes, be greedy and greedy.


  When an interpreter takes notes, he often remembers the contents in the front very carefully, and then he can't remember them in time. Therefore, what he translates makes people feel like a tiger in the head. Note taking should not be too much, too much note taking will interfere with the grasp of the main idea of the original, especially the part of English-Chinese translation. Generally speaking, interpreting notes should record some important concepts, logical relations and some isolated and difficult to remember contents, such as numbers, proper nouns, place names, names, etc.

  2. “卡”在生词上

  2. "cards" in new words.


  In a speech, some difficult words or new words are often encountered. Many interpreters "stuck" and did not skip to listen to the complete sentence, but continued to stay on the word, which affected the understanding of the whole sentence and even the whole text.

  3. “卡”在长句上

  3. "cards" on long sentences.


  Interpretation is aimed at the translation of formal occasions. Usually, the interpreter should pay more attention to the attributive clause in the book and the long sentence containing the participle phrase. In addition, the interpreter can adjust the order of the sentences, as long as the speaker's meaning is clearly expressed.

  4. 不熟悉口音

  4. not familiar with accent.

  发言人讲话时,往往会伴随着一些口音问题,这就可能会导致口译员出现听不懂的状况。所以口译员平常要多听些录音多看些原版片和中央电视台的SUNDAY TOPICS,北京电视台等。

  Speaking by a spokesman is often accompanied by some accent problems, which may lead to the situation that interpreters do not understand. So interpreters usually listen to more recordings and watch more original movies and CCTV's SUNDAY TOPICS, Beijing TV, etc.

  5. 不熟悉讲话者所说的内容

  5., I am not familiar with what the speaker says.


  Not familiar with what the speaker said will lead to thinking too long and unable to complete the translation within the prescribed time. Therefore, the interpreter should discuss the contents of the speech with the speaker ahead of time. In normal times, interpreters should pay attention to watching and learning interpreting cases, such as watching foreign language talk shows.

  6. 欠流利

  6. lack of fluency


  This is especially evident in "Chinese-foreign translation". The reason is that the foreign language is not fluent, and constantly revise their pronunciation and vocabulary, so as to delay the translation time. To know that interpreters practice oral English is the first step.

  7. 词汇量不够

  7. vocabulary is not enough.


  In both Chinese and foreign translation, there will be insufficient translation results. Interpreters are not required to be able to understand every word, the key is to make the original meaning clearly and accurately conveyed.

  8. 心理紧张

  8. psychological tension

  很多口译员由于紧张,连中文都会听错,把“显现”听成“献血”而翻译成“donate blood”,还常把自己会的单词也说错,比如说,“better and better”说成“gooder and gooder”等等。平常多做一些译员之间的交流会帮助你逐渐克服心理紧张。

  Because of nervousness, many interpreters can even hear Chinese incorrectly, translate "appearing" into "donate blood" and mispronounce their own words, such as "better and better" as "gooder and gooder". Usually doing more interpreter communication will help you gradually overcome psychological stress.

创建时间:2019-07-22 15:29
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