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  Business translation in Beijing Translation Company is also one of our work items, so do you know what common misunderstandings are in the process of business translation? Friends who do not know come to listen to the introduction of Beijing Translation Company!



  Business translation methods have many characteristics. They need to be able to faithfully convey the meaning of the original text and embody the style of the original text. Business document is an applied style which directly serves the social and economic activities and the production and management of material materials. Because of the differences in the service object, scope, function and author, the language of business documents is naturally different from the language of argumentative style and literary and artistic style. Business English translation is a functional language variant. Its language statement pays attention to objectivity, requires accurate and plain expression, and its vocabulary implies industry significance. Business English texts have strong register features, communicative purposes and prominent stylistic features. Its stylistic features are as follows: high vocabulary density of substantive words; The degree of nominalization is high. In bidding, bidding documents and contracts, sentence structure is rigorous and complex; all genres are strictly in accordance with their own outline structure and communication purpose.


  Misunderstandings in literal translation of long sentences in business translation:


  In longer English sentences, it is difficult to express them in Chinese in order. There are often complex relationships among sentence components. At this time, free translation should be carried out according to the characteristics and internal relations of English sentences. There are two main ways to deal with long sentences that cannot be translated literally.


  (1) Logical relations and expression habits in business translation; only by translating according to the inherent logical relations of sentences and the expression habits of Chinese, can the expression be in place. Since the original text is a slogan put forward by the bank, translation should take into account the particularity of its use alone, and also conform to the expression habits of Chinese in this context, so it is more appropriate to use the form of duality.


  (2) Literal and free translation of business translation; some long sentences need to be combined with literal and free translation, and comprehensive treatment is needed to achieve the desired translation effect.


  Misunderstandings in Literal Translation of Business Translation Sentences


  In English negative sentence patterns, some sentences can not be translated by literal translation, otherwise, it will lead to mistranslation, even contrary to the meaning of the source language. The translator should pay special attention to the following negative sentence patterns.


  Misunderstandings in literal translation of rhetorical sentence patterns in business translation


  In a word, the specific meaning of a word depends on its situation, condition, consciousness and sentence pattern, so it can't be ignored. Literal translation and free translation have their own advantages, so they should be used. In literal translation, we should prevent mistakes and adopt free translation where there are mistakes, so that literal translation and free translation complement each other. Only in this way can we achieve better results. Like Chinese, rhetorical devices are widely used in English writing. Many of them are similar to Chinese rhetorical expressions, so they can be translated literally. However, some English figures of speech are difficult to express clearly in literal translation. Even if they are the same figures of speech, some of them can be translated literally and others can not be translated literally because they are in different situations.

创建时间:2019-08-07 09:12
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