




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  Now many translators are working part-time in Beijing Translation Company, so do you know what the conditions of part-time translation are? Here is a detailed introduction for you.


  Conditions for part-time translation:


  1. Strong foreign language skills, translation needs a strong literary background, interpretation needs a strong oral ability;


  2. Translation requires certain professional background knowledge, preferably experts in the industry.


  3. Interpretation requires certain communication skills.


  4. Professional ethics of translators.


  Normally large and regular translation companies have their own interpreter system, and you just need to fill in the relevant contact information according to his requirements. 1. Real contact information such as QQ, mobile phone and email address, so as to contact you when translations are available. 2. Fill in the personal file information correctly so that the translation company can have a general understanding of you, including the city, the highest degree, graduating college, major, professional status and work experience, etc. It is better to also write successful translation cases. 3. Language competence includes mother tongue, first foreign language and second foreign language, what can interpreter be competent, what can translator be competent, and what areas he is good at. 4. The salary requirement for translation is your salary requirement for translation. How much is the expected cost of interpretation per day and the price of translation per thousand words? You can actually fill in your translation reward requirements, but the translation company will choose the appropriate translation reward to cooperate with the interpreter. There is no chance to be too high or too low, because he thinks you haven't reached his level. 5. Attach a recent photo. Sometimes the interpreter will ask for image temperament. 6. Send qualifications certificate, English translation level 2, Level 3 translation certificate, etc. According to the certificates you sent, translation companies usually classify you as a junior interpreter, an intermediate interpreter, a senior interpreter and an expert interpreter. English junior translators are equivalent to the level of translation at the third level of the Ministry of Personnel, while intermediate translators are equivalent to the level of translation at the second level of the Ministry of Personnel. The following table forms.


创建时间:2019-08-19 09:59
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