




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  Now translation companies can be seen in many parts of our lives, so do you know how to distinguish the good from the bad? Friends who do not know come to listen to the introduction of Beijing Zhilian Wentong Translation Company!



  1. Look at the history of the company. To judge the translation quality and strength of a translation company, we must first understand its history and see whether it can withstand the test of history and user authentication. Only a company that has experienced storms can survive. From a historical point of view, only a translation company with a long history can be credible.


  2. See if it is honest management. Many translation companies, after confirming the quotation of the translation company to the users and receiving the payment, hand it directly to the translation to do the task. In the latter stage, there is no auditing link, they hand it directly to the customers, and some translation companies do not pay the translators. These are dishonest expressions, a reliable translation company. It pays great attention to its own word of mouth, and honest management is a good word of mouth.


  3. Look at the address of the company. Many friends think that the address of the translation company is not very important, in fact, it is also a very important reference factor. If a translation company in a big city, the address is in the house, which to a certain extent translates the quality of the translator, so we need to erase it when choosing. Keep your eyes open and see if most translators are part-time or full-time.


  Nowadays, many translation companies in the market are mixed-eyed. If they are not carefully identified, they will suffer losses. Therefore, we can study them according to the above points. At the same time, we should also look at the working experience of translators and the number of translators in the company, which can explain the problem. In addition, if you want to know the quotation of a specific translation company, you can consult the website staff.

创建时间:2019-08-22 19:55
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