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  In order to save costs, many enterprises may not go to the regular translation company when they look for the translation company, so we will find some fouls in the translation work. Do you know what the fouls are in translation? If you are not clear, please listen to the introduction of Beijing Translation Company.

  1. 微量的“一星点”对比天体意义上的“星星”

  1. A trace of "one star" contrasts with "stars" in the sense of celestial bodies.

  中国有句谚语,“一星之火,能烧万顷之山。半句非言,误损平生之德。”在美国,这句谚语被译为:“As the light of a single star tinges the mountains of many regions,so a single unguarded expression injuries the virtue of a whole life. ”英译保留了汉语原文的对偶形式,形式工整,文法典雅。然而在内容上,美国的汉学家并不全都认同这个翻译。普劳坡提出,此处的“一星之火”与天文概念的星星无关,而是 “a spark of fire",“万顷之山”也非“群山的许多地区”,而是整个的一座山,即“ a million acres of a mountain”。因此改译:“ As a spark of fire can burn a million acres of a mountain, so a single unguarded expression injuries the virtue of a whole life. ” 改译后即使仍然有文法的差异,例如汉语原文为并列句,英译为主从句,至少在功能上更加接近对等。在汉语中,“星”是个多义词,它既可以作名词,指天体意义上的“星星”,又可以作量词,指微量的“一星点”。在英译汉中,我们同样常常遇到多义词辨析不当的问题。

  There is a Chinese proverb, "A single spark can burn a mountain of ten thousand hectares." Half a sentence goes without saying, which is harmful to life's virtue." In the United States, this proverb has been translated as "As the light of a single star tinges the mountains of many regions, so a single unguarded expression injuries the virtue of a whole life." The English translation retains the dual form of the Chinese original, neat in form and elegant in grammar. However, not all Sinologists in the United States agree with this translation in content. Proppo pointed out that the "spark of fire" here has nothing to do with the stars of astronomical concepts, but "a spark of fire" and "a mountain of ten thousand hectares" are not "many areas of mountains", but the whole mountain, that is, "a million acres of a mountain". Therefore, even if there are still grammatical differences after the translation, such as the Chinese original is a juxtaposition sentence, and the English translation is a subordinate sentence, at least more functional equivalence. In Chinese, "star" is a polysemous word. It can be used as a noun, a star in the sense of celestial body, and a quantifier, a tiny "star point". In English-Chinese translation, we also often encounter the problem of inappropriate discrimination of polysemous words.

  2. 英文中的泉水和春夫难分难解

  2. Spring Water and Spring Man in English are inextricable

  英文中有一篇广为传播的散文,题为“年轻”,在祝吉芳主编的 《英汉翻译——方法与试笔》中得到淋漓尽致的演绎和翻译,分析如下:

  There is a widely disseminated prose in English entitled "Youth", which has been thoroughly deduced and translated in Zhu Jifang's English-Chinese Translation: Method and Test Writing. The analysis is as follows:

  原文:Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. (祝吉芳 2004:26)

  Original: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. (Zhu Jifang 2004:26)

  译文: 年轻,并非人生旅途中的一段时光,而是心灵中的一种状态;并非粉腮朱唇和矫健的身姿,而是头脑中的一个意念,思维中的一种潜能,情感世界中的一股灼灼生气,人生大好春光中蓬勃着的一 抹新绿。

  Youth is not a time in the journey of life, but a state of mind; it is not a state of pink cheeks, red lips and vigorous posture, but an idea in the mind, a potential in the mind, a burning vitality in the emotional world and a fresh green in the spring of life.

  译文很有文采,甚至原文“a state of mind”(一种心态)被延长释放为“心灵中的一种状态”,“ supple knees”(腿脚灵便)被增益扩展 为“矫健的身姿”,添油加醋也好,节外生枝也好,这些都是在可以接受的范围之内,因为它们尚未引起认知的矛盾。然而,“the freshness of the deep springs of life”被译为“人生大好春光中蓬勃着的一抹新绿”就比较令人费解了。无需查字典,大家也会知道spring既有“舂天”的意思,又有“泉流”的义项。那么,在文本中如何区分“春天”和 “泉流”呢?我们不妨通过其限定词或修饰语来判断。例如,人们用 early, late修饰“春天”,用deep, shallow修饰“泉流”,而不会相反。

  Even the original "a state of mind" (a state of mind) is extended and released into "a state of mind", "supple knees" (handy legs and feet) are expanded to "healthy posture". It is acceptable to add oil and vinegar to the translation, as they are still within the scope of acceptance. There is no cognitive contradiction. However, "the freshness of the deep springs of life" is more puzzling when translated as "a fresh green in the spring of life". Without looking up the dictionary, you will know that spring has both the meaning of "Sheng Tian" and the meaning of "spring flow". Then, how to distinguish "spring" from "spring flow" in the text? We might as well judge by its determiner or modifier. For example, people use early, late to modify "spring" and deep, shallow to modify "spring" instead of the opposite.

  况且,从数的语法意义上来看,人们可以同时有几个“泉流”(the deep springs),“春天”却要一个一个地过,而不会同时有几个“春天” (the deep springs)。所以,“人生大好春光中蓬勃着的一抹新绿”的译法虽然有文采,却因为忽略了文本的逻辑内涵,误解了“springs”的文本意义而导致翻译的败笔。此处英文原文“the freshness of the deep springs of life”当指“生命泉流深处的鲜活喷涌”。译者由英文中的泉水和春天的难分难解而引起了与其他原文读者在认知上的差异和矛盾。

  Moreover, in the grammatical sense of numbers, people can have several "deep springs" at the same time, while "spring" has to pass one by one, rather than several "deep springs" at the same time. Therefore, although the translation method of "a new green flourishing in the spring of life" is graceful, it fails to translate because it ignores the logical connotation of the text and misunderstands the textual meaning of "springs". The freshness of the deep springs of life refers to the fresh gushing deep in the spring of life. The inextricability of spring and spring in English leads to cognitive differences and contradictions with other readers of the original text.

  3. 清晰被朦胧替换

  3. Clearness is replaced by obscurity


  In translation practice, in classroom teaching, translation violations are manifested in many aspects. Therefore, some people are well-known for their fluency in translation, such as Friedrich's translation of Balzac, which can be regarded as a positive model in translation; others are well-known for their "rigidity", such as Lu Xun's translation, although not necessarily wrong, at least not easy to understand. If it is not easy to understand, as Yan Fu said, "although translation is not translated" (Yan Fu 1996:9), it is also a violation. Taking Meng Qingsheng's translation practice in recent years as an example:

  原文:(The woods) their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.(孟庆生 2003 : 156)

  The woods: their joy toward the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father. (Meng Qingsheng 2003:156)

  译文:它们对朝日所怀有的一片喜悦,好像是要奉献给一位新郎,更像是要奉献给一位尊长(孟庆生2003 :434)。

  Their joy for Asahi seems to be dedicated to a groom, more to an elder (Meng Qingsheng 2003:434).

  本例引自题为“十月日出”的一篇散文,写日出时分,万物复苏,一派欣欣向荣的景象。原文中的“to”本来意义明确,指“方向”或 “朝向”。被译为“奉献给”之后,反而把清晰的自然关系转变为不自然的朦胧状态。此处的判断基于三点考虑。首先是因为此处的“喜悦”原指树林由于接受外部阳光的沐浴作用而溢于言表的内在感受,并非

  This example is quoted from a prose entitled "Sunrise in October", which describes a flourishing scene when everything revives at sunrise. The original meaning of "to" is clear, referring to "direction" or "orientation". After being translated as "devotion", it turns the clear natural relationship into an unnatural hazy state. The judgment here is based on three considerations. First of all, the "joy" here originally refers to the inner feeling of the forest overflowing with words because of the bathing effect of the external sunshine, but it is not.


创建时间:2019-09-25 20:21
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