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There are many people who are not particularly clear about the charging standard of regular translation companies, so let Beijing translation company introduce it to you in detail today!


Fee standard of formal translation company I: language scarcity


The language that customers need to translate is scarce, so the fees of translation companies will refer to the language scarcity. For example, English is the most popular, with a large demand, and there are many professional English translators in the market. No matter from reducing the price to occupy the market, or from cost accounting, the charging standard of English is relatively reasonable and transparent, while other companies, such as French, German, Japanese and language, rank in the second tier. The charging standard of translation companies is generally 220-400 yuan, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, Thai and other Southeast Asian languages have been adjusted slightly according to the professionalism and quantity of the manuscript, which is close to the rare languages. The translation quotation shall be at least 300 yuan per thousand words.


Standard 2: content importance


The documents that customers need to translate are of importance, so the translation company will refer to the importance of the translated documents. In general, translation companies divide the importance of translated documents into three levels: standard level, professional level and publishing level. For example, personal certificates and certificates belong to the standard level, and the charges rise to the documents serving the company, such as legal documents, which belong to the professional level or above, so the charges will be very high naturally.


创建时间:2020-04-28 16:56
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