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  For the translators of Beijing Translation Company, how to improve their English translation ability is a problem that many people want to know. So let Beijing Translation Company share with you today what methods we have to improve our translation ability.

  准备清单 充分利用碎片时间

  Preparing lists to make full use of debris time


  When walking and riding, make full use of the time of debris, think about a few Chinese words, and figure out how to translate them into English. Write them down in a notebook, just like copying idioms in elementary and middle schools. Every day and every day, there will be gains. Learn two "new words" every day in this way, and over time it will be transformed into something of your own. At the same time, in this process, you will gradually learn how to use sentences and phrases, and achieve tremendous progress that shocks you. Be sure to review your notebook regularly so that the more you remember, the better you output, and the more confident you become, the more you enter a "virtuous circle".


  Check your accent


  Everyone has an accent to some extent. If you want to avoid this as much as possible and have an accent that sounds closer to native, you should study how native speakers move their mouths when speaking English. Try to imitate their movements. Keep in mind that accents are not fixed, and if you don't keep practicing, your previous efforts may go down the drain. It is advisable to record the sound every time you practice, and focus on pronunciation correction of specific syllables and words at one time. There's another way: many online organizations now have free experience classes. We can try to have foreign teachers correct our accent and point out our problems.


  Speak slowly


  You must speak Chinese much faster than English because you don't need major vocabulary or grammar. So when you speak English, you can be assured to speak slowly and boldly. There is no need to rush at all, so you can speak more easily. Most importantly, by doing so, it's easier for the listener to know what you're talking about. With the growth of your level, you will naturally speak English faster. And as long as people understand what you're talking about, that alone will motivate you to speak more in English. The more comfortable you feel in English, the faster you can speak.


  Listening and Interacting, Listening to Audio Books


  Listening is everyone's way of learning a language, so we should always listen. If you are abroad, you should listen to others at all times in post offices, stores and libraries. Listen on the way to school and work. Listen to the radio and audio books and import all kinds of podcasts into your ipod. Make sure you are completely immersed in English. This will make it easier for you to think, express and communicate in English.


  Practice expression


  A good way is to view translation. Targeted materials can make exercises efficient. After getting the materials, we should adjust our state and imagine that we are on the scene of the translation, which will put some pressure on ourselves. After seeing the Chinese in the material, try to express it in the most fluent language in the shortest time. If any words or sentences are not well spoken or structured, you can write them down in your notebook, and then you can consult others or search for them by yourself. Through repeated training, it is possible to make more obvious progress in expression.


  Practice thinking


  In English translation, listening is the foundation. First of all, as an interpreter, he must understand what the other party wants to express. With this premise, the next step is to think about how to convey it in succinct sentences, which has a high demand for thinking. Understanding alone is not enough, because interpreters are a bridge of communication, so the interpreter's expression should be neat, so that the audience can understand each other's meaning and even the essence very smoothly. At this time, the foundation of Chinese is very important. Language is different, but also interlinked. Therefore, the two languages should not be biased.

创建时间:2019-10-11 09:24
首页    北京翻译公司提高翻译能力的方法都有哪些?

