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  In Beijing translation company, solid language skills are very important. In addition, it is also very important for the common sense and attitude of translators. Today, let Beijing translation company introduce the basic requirements for translators in the process of business translation.



  1. Solid basic skills in Chinese and foreign languages

  一般来说,从事英汉两种语言之间商务翻译的人,他们的中英文水平对译文的质量起着关键作用。英译汉时,如果英文不好,就难以做到透彻理解英文原文的信息,就很难把握原文的逻辑关系,势必影响信息的传达,导致错译;汉译英时,如果英文词汇掌握不好,英文语法不够精通,对英文中一些短语和固定搭配掌握 不够牢固或数量不足,那么翻译出来的文字势必会在拼写、文法和表达上出现纰漏,让读者看起来别扭,理解起来费劲。另一方面,很多人存在一种误解,认为汉语的好坏不会影响翻译,而且大部分中国学生都会认为,既然汉语是我们的母语,在理解和表达上当然不会存在任何障碍。其实不然,正是因为这种想法,使很多的译员不再注重汉语水平的提高问题,这也就直接导致了译文翻译的不通顺现象。

  Generally speaking, people who are engaged in business translation between English and Chinese play a key role in the quality of translation. When translating English into Chinese, if English is not good, it will be difficult to fully understand the information of the original English, and it will be difficult to grasp the logical relationship of the original text, which will inevitably affect the transmission of information, leading to mistranslation; when translating Chinese into English, if English vocabulary is not mastered well, English grammar is not proficient enough, and some phrases and fixed collocations in English are not grasped firmly or in sufficient quantity, then the translated text There are bound to be mistakes in spelling, grammar and expression, which make readers look awkward and hard to understand. On the other hand, many people have a misunderstanding that the quality of Chinese will not affect translation, and most Chinese students will think that since Chinese is our mother tongue, there will certainly be no obstacles in understanding and expression. In fact, it is precisely because of this idea that many translators no longer pay attention to the improvement of the Chinese language level, which directly leads to the translation of the non smooth phenomenon.


  2. Extensive business knowledge

  商务翻译工作者应该具有较宽广的商务知识面。一个外语工作者要从事某种专业的翻译工作,除继续提高外语水平 外,还要努力学习该专业,使自己逐渐成为熟悉该专业的行家。只有这样,才能做好这项工作。翻译实践表明,译者丰富宽广的知识,一方面有助于加深对原文的理解,由于原文理解深刻透彻,翻译时就可以摆脱原文语言的束缚,灵活自如地表达原意。当然,商务活动中还涉及双方的文化背景、风俗习惯等,了解有关的文化知识也是不容忽视的一个方面。

  Business translators should have a wide range of business knowledge. A foreign language worker should be engaged in the translation work of a certain profession. In addition to continuing to improve his foreign language level, he should also study hard to make himself become an expert familiar with the profession. Only in this way can we do the work well. Translation practice shows that the rich and broad knowledge of the translator, on the one hand, helps to deepen the understanding of the original text. Because the understanding of the original text is profound and thorough, the translator can get rid of the shackles of the original language and express the original meaning flexibly and freely. Of course, business activities also involve the cultural background, customs and habits of both sides, and understanding relevant cultural knowledge is also an aspect that cannot be ignored.


  3. Rigorous translation attitude


  In fact, no matter what we do, we must have a sense of responsibility and a rigorous working attitude. Translation is first of all a kind of text conversion work. In this conversion, we should not only be faithful to the original information, but also ensure that the translation is smooth and readable. If we act carelessly in the process of translation, it will inevitably lead to the misrepresentation of the original information, and the translation will inevitably have spelling errors or typos, or even stiff and awkward places. For business translation, we should take a serious and serious attitude, because business translation involves more economic interests of both sides, and a little carelessness will make mistakes in the numbers, obligations of both sides or international business principles or norms, which will inevitably cause certain economic losses to both sides or one side of business contacts and hinder the normal business cooperation and exchange. Therefore, it is an important task for business translators to cultivate good translation style and correct translation attitude.

创建时间:2019-10-21 13:32
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