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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  When people look for Beijing translation company, they usually look at the translation quality first, then the price. But we will find that the quotations of different translation companies are different. Do you know how to accurately estimate the charging standard of Beijing translation company as a customer? Here is a detailed introduction:



  First of all, translation is a job that pays attention to the accumulation of experience and requires a high level of intelligence and physical strength. The charging standards of translation companies are mainly influenced by the following factors:


  Manuscripts: the difficulty of manuscripts, the number of words, the languages to be translated, and the price of small languages are relatively high. It's an indisputable fact that the fees for professional translation companies of small languages are higher than those for popular languages. The rarity is the price.


  Translator's salary, translator's qualification: translator's quality and ability. Generally speaking, professional translation companies divide internal translators into different levels, and the prices of different levels of translators are different. The higher the level of the translator's salary, the more the level of the translator's translation directly affects the quality of translation; many so-called translation companies are actually a small workshop, and it is more likely that there is no full-time translation. Because there is no cost, so when taking over the project, as long as the recovery profit is greater than the cost paid, it will not hesitate to take over the single project at a low price. For them, in the fierce market competition, price war is the best means and tactics, but at the same time, the quality of translation can not be guaranteed, but the cost of translation is relatively low. Such translation companies must have relatively low fees, and the customers are basically small orders of individuals or some small companies. Some large regular professional translation companies have fixed full-time translators, stable office space and strict translation process, which is enough to ensure the stability of translation quality. Therefore, the prices of these translation companies are slightly higher than those of small family workshops.


  Domestic consumers have limited awareness of the translation industry. So far, many people don't recognize translation companies. They think there are so many free online translation software and what translation companies should do. Most people still think that as long as they can speak a foreign language, they can translate. As a result, the price of translation companies can't be raised all the time, while many small companies and teams keep pushing down the price to attract customers, resulting in a vicious circle, resulting in the generally low quality of translation in the translation industry. Many translation companies sometimes have difficulties in facing these questions from their customers. While the customers blame the translation quality of the translation companies for not reaching the highest level, they also blame the fees of the translation companies for being too expensive compared with other translation companies. However, large professional translation companies put the staff cost there, and the translation level of the translators is strictly checked. As the saying goes, it is reasonable for a large regular translation company to pay high fees for every penny of goods. It is necessary to have high quality and low cost, which makes the translation company in a dilemma. At the end of the day, I don't know enough about translation companies.

创建时间:2019-10-22 18:49
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