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  In the translation industry, for English translation, there are often some taboos in the process of translation. Next, the customer service staff of Beijing translation company will give you a brief analysis.



  1. In the process of English translation, don't always think about making opportunistic decisions, and don't really want to work hard to learn. A language is the use of a skill, but this skill is not accomplished by skill. Too true these methods will take up a lot of your study time and rest energy, but affect your study.


  2. Don't be impatient. Pay attention to speed and efficiency. You won't always learn from time to time. Any achievement of learning is accomplished by reviewing. You should constantly review to achieve skilled results.


  3. As the saying goes, "As long as you work hard, the pestle is ground into a needle", so long as you have perseverance and persevere in learning. All skills need a process. Don't bow your head and persevere in all kinds of difficulties.


  4. We must pay attention to listening. Beijing Tianyi Times Translation Company believes that any language is sound. Our feeling of language comes from voice first, not to mention memorizing words and reading sentences. Sometimes we have to listen to others. If you don't practice listening, your reading ability will be difficult to improve.


  5. Use whatever you learn. Language practice ability is very strong, don't just learn not to use, it will never learn well. The purpose of our study is for application. We should learn to learn in application, so as to improve our interest in learning and achieve good learning results.


  The above content is introduced to you by the customer service staff of Beijing translation company. I hope the explanation of this article can help you. Learn more about our website.

创建时间:2019-10-25 20:09
首页    翻译过程中往往会有一些忌讳事项需要注意?

