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  In various translation companies, many translators don't realize the importance of translation theory and translation activities, and many people don't understand it. Let Beijing translation company introduce it to you in detail.


  翻译是一门语言科学,要务求认真细致,不可以似是而非,因为一字之差,就可能导致语义南辕北辙。一点点的误差,轻则导致造成闹剧,重则导致无法挽回的损失。如:What he has bought is invaluable. 要是翻译成“他买的物品毫无价值。”你就大错特错了,而它的真正含义是“他买的物品价值连城。”invaluable含义是“价值极其高的”,等同于priceless,而valueless才是“毫无价值的”含义。

  Translation is a science of language. We should be careful and careful. We can't be specious. Because the difference of one word may lead to the semantic divergence. A little bit of error, light will lead to farce, heavy will lead to irreparable loss. What he has bought is invalid. You're quite wrong, and the real meaning of it is "the goods he bought are worth a lot of money." The meaning of "valuable" is "extremely valuable", which is equal to priceless, while "valueless" means "worthless".


  Many people feel that they are learning language translation from the first day of learning English, and there is no importance to study translation theory. This kind of thinking is not correct. If you can understand English, you may not be able to translate it, just as if you can listen to a play and not necessarily sing it. It is important to learn translation theory and practice. If there is only translation theory without translation practice, translation will be boring. If there is only translation practice without translation theory, then the level of translation will not be improved. Practice is the basis of theory, practice without theoretical guidance is a tree without foundation, and theory without practical proof is a water without source.


  Therefore, we need to treat translation theory correctly and realize its great guiding significance to translation practice of translation companies.

创建时间:2019-10-28 16:32
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