




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  After the client teaches the materials that need to be translated to Beijing translation company, the translators of Beijing translation company will go through a series of collation, translation, etc., so do you know the precautions after Beijing translation company completes the translation company?



  Main points for attention after translation


  When considering some features of translation, thorough proofreading with new eyes helps to ensure correct translation. These include:


  ● correct spelling mistakes


  ● correct grammatical errors


  ● correct omissions


  ● check verb agreement


  ● correct punctuation errors


  ● ensure proper translation of idioms and spoken language


  ● check for misconceptions


  ● make sure the context is correct


  ● eliminate any offensive terms


  ● ensure that there is no cross-cultural reference mismatch


  ● the language mode must be correct


  ● are any industry-specific terms used accurate?


  ● the format must be correct, for example:


  ● font size


  ● the font used is consistent throughout the translation process


  ● line spacing is consistent


  ● color (if used) does not offend the target audience


  Translation of proper nouns is meaningful


  ● currency (if used) and


  Use match ● measure (match with target audience if used)


  ● does the translation display well?


  ● if graphics are used, are they in the correct position relative to the text?

创建时间:2019-11-01 15:49
首页    完成翻译公司之后的注意事项都有哪些?

