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  In Beijing translation company, the improvement of political quality and professional quality is very important for translators. Do you know how our staff improve their listening ability in Beijing translation company.



  Step 1: keep calm and confident

  要想彻底不卡壳的听懂听力的内容,或与老外进行无障碍交流,首先要Maintain your composure and your confidence,就是说要保持冷静和自信,千万不要因为一处没反应过来,就慌了手脚,这种良好的心理素质对于听力实力的培养和提高相当关键。

  If you want to completely understand the content of listening without jamming or have barrier free communication with foreigners, you should first maintain your composure and your confidence, that is to say, you should keep calm and confident, and never panic because you don't react. This kind of good psychological quality is very important for the cultivation and improvement of listening ability.


  Step 2: turn the abstract words into images and reflect them in your mind.

  在听力的过程中要学会根据语言传达的信息Make pictures and images, 也就是说:把抽象的文字变成形象的图画反映于脑海之中。这样有了连续的动态图像的帮助,就有利于我们避开“英汉直接翻译的无序性”,以致抓住其表达的主干而不是旁支末节,从而走出“听了后面,忘了前面”的“怪圈”。也只有这样,才能使我们真正体察到“登泰山而小天下”的神奇感受。

  In the process of listening, we should learn to make pictures and images according to the information conveyed by language, that is to say, we should turn abstract words into image pictures and reflect them in our minds. In this way, with the help of continuous dynamic images, we can avoid "the disorder of direct translation between English and Chinese", so that we can grasp the main body of its expression rather than the last part of it, and thus get out of the "strange circle" of "listening to the back, forgetting the front". Only in this way can we truly appreciate the magical feeling of "climbing Mount Tai and the world".


  Step 3: focus on what you've heard, and don't blindly pursue "sea Title Tactics".

  在听懂之后,不要盲目追求“题海战术”,迫不及待的找其它材料来听,而应该把注意力放回到听过的内容上。可以说它们才是我们进一步分析、研究,从而树立听觉形象的上佳材料。所以要Model everything ( pronunciation,intonation, tone, slang, idioms, patterns, etc.) we heard before。也就是说认真模仿和跟读听力材料中的各种语言点(包括语音、语调、语气、俚语、习语、句式等),不能放过任何细节。 而且在模仿过程中还需注意两大原则。其一是“简单原则”,即语言结构越简单,就越值得我们认真模仿。因为

  After understanding, don't blindly pursue the "sea Title Tactics", can't wait to find other materials to listen to, but should pay attention to what you've heard. It can be said that they are the best materials for us to further analyze and study so as to establish the auditory image. So model everything (pronunciation, introduction, tone, slang, idoms, patterns, etc.) we heard before. That is to say, we should carefully imitate and follow all kinds of language points (including pronunciation, intonation, tone, slang, idioms, sentence patterns, etc.) in the listening materials, and should not let go of any details And in the process of imitation, we should pay attention to two principles. One is the principle of simplicity, that is, the simpler the structure of a language, the more it is worth imitating. because


  The more simple it seems, the more difficult it is to imitate. This is the same reason that when learning to write Chinese characters, the less strokes the characters are, the more difficult they are to write well, and the more practice they need. The second is the "accuracy principle", that is, imitation should be lifelike and keep improving. Only in this way can our language level be infinitely close to the level of foreigners, and we can listen to English more easily.

  第四步:在模仿的基础上,Multiply the meaning and usage of the words and patterns。

  Step 4: on the basis of imitation, multiply the meaning and usage of the words and patterns.


  That is, to supplement and expand the other meanings and usages of common words and sentence patterns in listening materials. Because one of the difficulties in the process of listening is "polysemy of one word" or "polysemy of one meaning". This is the important reason why many people can't understand the exact meaning of the word they use.


  Step 5: Learn mine on the basis of imitation and expansion

  the cultural background and the way of English thinking behind the language, 即努力挖掘听力语言背后的英语思维模式和西方文化背景。毕竟语言是文化和思维的载体,掌握了老外的逻辑思维,就能在听力过程中变被动为主动,以不变应万变。

  The cultural background and the way of English thinking behind the language. After all, language is the carrier of culture and thinking. Mastering the logical thinking of foreigners can change from passive to active in the process of listening, so as to adapt to all changes.

  第六步:Memorize them。

  Step 6: memorize them.

  即在“立体”解构了这些听力材料之后,将它们加以背诵和记忆,以求达到脱口而出的感觉。因为背得越多,意味着没听过的就越少。久而久之,听力实力便会大增。 不可否认背诵是份“苦差事”,但“欲穷大地三千里,须上高峰八百盘。”可以说,背诵是登上听力最高境界的重要环节。如果说“M7”的前五步是“消化过程”,那么背诵这第六步就是“吸收过程”。我们始终都要铭记:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。

  That is to say, after deconstructing these listening materials in three dimensions, recite and memorize them so as to achieve the feeling of blurting out. Because the more you recite, the less you haven't heard. Over time, listening ability will increase greatly There is no denying that recitation is a "hard job", but "if you want to live in poverty for three thousand miles, you have to go to the peak of 800 dishes." It can be said that recitation is an important link to reach the highest level of listening. If the first five steps of "M7" are "digestion process", the sixth step is "absorption process". We should always bear in mind that only when we suffer from hardship can we become human beings.

  当然还需注意的是,背诵虽然是个输入(input)过程,却完全可以通过输入和输出(output)相互交替的动态循环(dynamic recycling process) 使记忆达到最佳效果。也就是说,听力学习要与口语学习要相结合,因为当我们把已经背过的听力内容通过口语的形式表达出来达到输出的同时,又进行了一次输入,从而进一步加深了我们对听力材料的理解和记忆。如此循环往复,我们既可以提高听力,又可以培养出良好的口语语感,何乐而不为呢?

  Of course, it should be noted that recitation is an input process, but it can achieve the best effect through the dynamic recycling process in which input and output alternate with each other. That is to say, listening learning should be combined with oral learning, because when we express the listening content that we have recited in oral form to reach the output, we input it again, so as to further deepen our understanding and memory of listening materials. In this way, we can not only improve our listening, but also develop a good sense of spoken language. Why not?


  Step 7: walk through the above six steps on the ground!

创建时间:2019-11-04 12:45
首页    北京翻译公司的工作人员都是如何提高听力能力的?

