




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  Before choosing Beijing translation company, people will pay attention to the charge of Beijing translation company. Do you know how the charge standard of Beijing translation company is determined? Here is a detailed introduction:


  The price of translation is determined by many factors:

  1. 翻译字数,即翻译量。一般而言,按千字中文计价,护照、结婚证、身份证等需加盖公章的文件按份数计价;

  1. The number of words translated, that is, the amount translated. Generally speaking, it is priced in thousands of Chinese characters, and documents requiring official seal such as passports, marriage certificates and ID cards are priced in copies;

  2. 翻译语种。主流语种(如英日韩)翻译价格相较小语种而言较低; 文件难度。

  2. Translation language. The translation price of mainstream languages (e.g. English, Japanese and Korean) is lower than that of smaller languages; the document is difficult.

  3. 资料的专业程度。所需翻译的文件专业性越强、难度越大,价格越高;

  3. Professional level of data. The more professional and difficult the documents need to be translated, the higher the price;

  4. 译员级别。不同级别的译员来翻译价格是不同的,译员级别越高、经验越多,价格越高;

  4. Translator level. The price of different translators is different. The higher the level of translators, the more experience they have, the higher the price;

  5. 交稿时间。资料要的级,需要加班,费用就会高些。

  5. Submission time. Information level, need to work overtime, the cost will be higher.

  6. 翻译要求的级别。专业级的费用高些,阅读级的费用会稍微低一些。

  6. Level of translation requirements. The professional level costs more, and the reading level costs a little less.

  7. 公司的规模。翻译公司越大,知名的翻译公司,质量有保证一些,价格就会稍高一点,那种小的翻译公司反之。

  7. The size of the company. The bigger the translation company is, the better the quality of a well-known translation company is, the higher the price will be.


创建时间:2019-11-25 14:35
首页    北京翻译公司的收费标准是如何决定的?

