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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  For every translator of Beijing translation company, how to improve the translation level is a topic that every translator wants to know. Previously, we Beijing translation company introduced some for you, but the effect may not be obvious, so today let Beijing translation company introduce some other methods to improve the translation level for you!



  1. Translate once according to one's own understanding without using any dictionary;


  Second, revise your first translation, from word collocation to sentence smoothness and logic.


  Third, check the birth words, and then write a translation and polish it according to your new understanding of translation.


  4. Compare the answers, find out the differences between your own translation and the standard answer, and write out why your translation should be translated in this way, what are the advantages of such translation, what are the differences between your own translation, and how to pay attention to them in the future.


  5. Only through continuous modification step by step can we make progress in this gradual process. To really understand a problem is more rewarding than to finish 10 problems in a vague way. I hope that students will not be impatient, do not think that time is not enough, and do more than a few problems instead of doing them. All the time they spend is idle work.

创建时间:2019-12-02 19:18
首页    北京翻译公司译员提高翻译水准的方法都有哪些?

