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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  In order to improve the translation quality of Beijing translation company, first of all, we need to improve the requirements for translators. Do you know what conditions are needed for translators in Beijing translation company? Here is a detailed introduction:



  Translators have a good command of Chinese. Many people tend to ignore this point and think that Chinese is their native language, and it is more than enough to deal with translation problems on their own basis. However, in the real translation process, for a word or a sentence pattern, we can't get a satisfactory result after thinking for a long time. Sometimes I think it's not ideal. It can be seen that the ability of Chinese expression and understanding directly affect the quality of translation. It is very important for translation to study Chinese well and lay a good foundation for Chinese.


  Good command of English. A comprehensive knowledge of grammar and a large vocabulary are indispensable. If there is only a large vocabulary, but not a good knowledge of English grammar. In the process of translation, the translator's understanding must be full of mistakes, and the bull's head is not right for the horse's mouth. Therefore, we need to improve the accuracy of understanding English sentences and expression in Chinese-English translation.


  We should have a wide range of knowledge. To do this well in Business English translation, it is necessary to master the theoretical knowledge and practical experience of business theory and trade practice. At the same time, translators should have rich encyclopedia knowledge, not only of astronomy and geography, but also of some basic knowledge. Without certain common sense, the translator's language level, no matter how high, can't do the translation work well.

创建时间:2019-12-23 18:12
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