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Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



  Now many enterprises have more and more opportunities to cooperate with Beijing translation company, but many enterprises have some misunderstandings when looking for Beijing translation company, so let Beijing Zhilian Wentong translation company introduce it to you in detail!


  一、掌握一门外语就可以成为翻译? No!

  1、 Mastering a foreign language can be a translation!


  Mastering a foreign language only means that you have a good understanding of both languages. However, translation is not carried out word by word. On the contrary, translation means having a deep understanding of the text in the source language and knowing how to choose the best words and expressions to convey the information accurately in the target language. Not all bilinguals can do this.

  二、机器翻译可以代替人工翻译? No!

  2、 Machine translation can replace human translation!


  Now the translation tools on the market are far from reliable and good. Because they only translate completely independent sentences, they can't understand the different meanings of words, so the translated text usually turns into one difficult word after another. In addition, the translation machine is totally unaware of the possible differences between the word order in the source language and the target language.


  3、 Can proofreading be translated cheaply!


  It is very common for a client to provide a free translation or a translation of a file by a machine or someone who does not fully understand the source and target languages. But what customers don't know is that editing this translation usually means re translating the entire document almost from scratch, which means paying more than regular proofreading.

  四、一个翻译可以一个小时翻译2000字吗? No!

  4、 Can a translator translate 2000 words an hour!


  On average, professional and experienced translators translate about 250 to 500 words an hour, so it takes 10 to 20 hours to work on 5000 word documents. There is no doubt that if you hire a professional translation company, a group of translators can work on the text at the same time, so as to prepare the translation earlier. However, you should always keep in mind that if you expect a high quality translation, you certainly need to set aside enough time to complete it.

  五、译文只有一种表达是正确的吗? No!

  5、 Is only one expression correct!


  Different translators translate the same sentence in different ways, all of which are correct. Translation as a language is not a precise science, so there is no unique and correct way to convey a concept in different languages. However, some translations are more suitable for the context or the target audience. That's why you should always try to hire a translator who is familiar with the industry and target audience involved in the document.

创建时间:2020-01-08 19:08
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