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  In Beijing translation company, we can understand that the methods and skills of English translation are not limited to those we know, so today let Beijing translation company introduce the methods and skills of English translation for you!



  1、 Vocabulary


  (1) . meaning selection


  Most English translation words are polysemy, so it is necessary to choose the right meaning in English translation. There are three ways to choose the meaning of words: according to the context and collocation of words, according to the category of words, according to the specialty.


  (2) . word meaning conversion


  On the basis of understanding the original meaning of English translation vocabulary, English translation can be translated according to the extended meaning according to Chinese habits, or translated with antonym words, that is, the so-called text anti translation and anti literal translation.


  (3) . part of speech conversion


  In English translation, many nouns, gerunds and non predicate verbs are transformed from verbs. They can be transformed into verbs in Chinese translation.


  (4) . complement


  It means that the original text has some meaning but is not directly expressed in words. These meanings need to be supplemented in the translation so as to make it easier to read. For example, there is no quantifier between numerals and nouns in English translation, but it can be added when it is translated into Chinese.


  (5) . omitted


  It refers to the omission of some words in the original text, as long as it does not affect the integrity of meaning. For example, the Chinese "Quantifier" mentioned above can be omitted when translated into English; for example, in English translation, a large number of subject pronouns are used, while in Chinese, they are often omitted.


  (6) . juxtaposition and repetition


  In English translation, the forms of sharing, substitution and conversion are often used to avoid repetition in the Paratactic Structure of expressing repetitive meanings, while in Chinese, the forms of intentional repetition are often used to strengthen the strength of the text, for example, the subject pronoun in English translation replaces the noun in front of it, the phrasal verb only repeats the preposition and omits the active word, and the repetitive expression can be considered in Chinese translation.


  2、 On sentence structure in English translation


  There are three types of translation skills in sentence structure: word order, combination and conversion.


  (1) . word order

  1. 顺译法与逆译法

  1. Forward translation and reverse translation


  English translation is also flexible in expressing attributive clauses and adverbial clauses such as results, conditions and explanations, which can be stated first or later. However, Chinese expression is usually carried out in time or logical order. Therefore, both the forward translation and the reverse translation are actually for the sake of consistency with Chinese habits. If the English translation expression is the same as that of the Chinese, it will be translated in sequence, otherwise it will be translated in reverse. Sometimes the difference between direct translation and reverse translation is just like the former one, which depends on the translator's hobbies.

  2. 前置法

  2. preposition method


  In English translation, the short attributive clauses, identity features and other appositions can often be mentioned in front of the antecedent (the center word) when they are translated into Chinese.

  3. 分起总叙与总起分叙

  3. General classification and general classification


  Long sentences and sentence nesting are common in English, because English function words such as conjunctions, relative pronouns and relative adverbs are active and have strong generating ability, which can form parallel sentences, compound sentences and their combination forms.


  Although English long sentence is long, it is called "sentence". After all, it can be refined into a main body and an explanatory part composed of several attributive clauses and adverbial clauses. This trunk can be simplified by the "three autumn tree rule".


  According to the content of the sentence and the Chinese thinking habits, the translation can be divided into two parts: general description and general description.


  The first is to translate the main part of the sentence, and then to translate the other parts separately, that is, to summarize first and then to narrate; the second is to narrate first and then to summarize.

  4. 归纳法(综合法)

  4. Induction (comprehensive method)


  For the long sentences with jumping and montage in some English languages, the translator needs to carry out "comprehensive management", recombine them, realize the meaning of "translation is re creation", and summarize them into a clear and good translation.


  (2) . composite class

  1. 分句法

  1. clause method


  Some sentences are connected by "connectives". Although they are a sentence in form, the meaning of many components of a sentence is independent. It is quite possible to break them into short sentences. The position of disconnection is generally selected at these contact words. The conjunctions are usually composed of relative pronouns, relative adverbs, independent adverbs and accompanying verbs.

  2. 合句法

  2. fold syntax


  In form, there are two or more sentences, but the meaning is closely related. As long as the translation is not lengthy, it can be translated into one sentence. For example, simple sentences and paratactic sentences with the same subject can be combined into paratactic elements of a sentence, while shorter attributive and adverbial clauses can be reduced to modifying elements of the subject sentence.


  (3) . conversion class

  1. 句子成分的转换

  1. Transformation of sentence components


  As mentioned earlier, parts of speech can be translated, and sentence components can also be converted in English translation. The transformation of sentence components is mainly caused by the change of grammatical relationship between verbs and nouns in the original text.

  2. 被动语态的转换

  2. Conversion of passive voice


  Some passive voice sentences can be translated directly according to the sequential translation method, but most of them need to be transformed to make the translation more Chinese, which is the reason why Chinese seldom uses the passive voice.


  There are three ways to translate the passive voice: first, it can be reduced to the active sentence; second, it can be reduced to the subject after by; third, it can be reduced to the active sentence by adding "people", "we", etc. ② Construct into active sentences: use the words "Ba, you, Shi, rang, Gei" to translate into active sentences. ③ Transform into automatic sentence: by selecting the verbs in the Chinese translation, the acceptor (i.e. subject) of the original verb is transformed into the sender (still the master) of the verb action in Chinese

创建时间:2020-02-03 17:17
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