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Nowadays, there are more and more translation companies, but there are still many people who are not clear about how to control the process of translation. Let Beijing translation company introduce it in detail for you today!




The control of pronunciation and intonation needs not only methods, but also constant practice. First, you can try to mark when listening to the recording. For example, you can mark some stressed words or mark some stressed words. At the same time, it can also be used to mark the continuous or rising tone and falling tone of some single words, which are the key to control the voice tone.


Imitation exercise


For the control of voice tone, we need to pay attention to the practice of imitation. As long as we are careful enough, we can find skills after many times of imitation, and skillfully master and control the voice tone of the speaker, and know when the voice should be heavier and when it should be lighter.


In the process of translation, intonation is very important, which determines whether perfect communication can be achieved. Therefore, we should know how to read frequently, and constantly improve our memory ability and oral ability.


It is suggested that we should do more imitation exercises in our daily practice, which is a way to improve the sense of voice tone. To be able to continue to do the above details can improve the control of voice tone. On the basis of controlling voice tone, it can effectively promote the level of translation.


The above is how to control the translation process detailed by Beijing translation company? I hope relevant content can help you.


创建时间:2020-09-14 20:06
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