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We have already introduced the matters needing attention in the process of English translation for you. Do you know the matters needing attention in the process of Japanese translation? Let's listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company for the unclear friends!


1. Japanese relies on the adhesion of auxiliary words or auxiliary verbs to express the function of each word in a sentence. Therefore, to learn Japanese well, it is very important to master the usage of auxiliary words and auxiliary verbs.


2. Japanese vocabulary is divided into two categories: real words and function words. Real words are parts of speech that represent certain semantic concepts and can be used as sentence components or core parts of sentence components;


Function words are words that do not represent semantic concepts, can not be used as sentence components alone, and can only be attached to the real words to play a variety of grammatical roles or add a certain meaning.


3. Although Japanese verbs, adjectives, adjectives and auxiliary verbs have ending changes, they are not affected by gender, number and case like English.


4. Japanese nouns, numerals and pronouns have no change in sex, number and case. The components of nouns in sentences need to be represented by auxiliary words.


5. The subject or theme of Japanese is generally at the beginning of the sentence, the predicate at the end of the sentence, and other components in the middle. That is to say, the general word order of Japanese is: subject (-- complement) -- object -- predicate.


The modifier (including the attribute or adverbial equivalent of Chinese) is before the modifier.


6. Most of the components of Japanese sentences have no strict order and can be placed flexibly. Some of them can often be omitted.


7. Japanese has quite complex and important honorifics.


8. Japanese can be divided into styles, mainly including respect style and simplified style. Respect style can be divided into several types.


Because of the differences in gender, age, region, occupation, identity, social status and the situation, people use different levels of specific language.


9. Japanese tone belongs to high and low type. The tone changes between kana and kana. Each pseudonym represents a phonogram.


创建时间:2020-05-09 21:23
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