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People who are engaged in English interpretation may have some mistakes in the process of translation, so do you know the common problems in English interpretation? Let's listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company for friends who are not clear yet!



1. Mispronunciation

  想要说出一口流利的英语,发音是根本。如果发音不对,别人就会很难听懂你在说的是什么。 所以,想要做好英语口译工作,第一步就是要纠正你的发音。只要发音对了,无论认不认识这个单词;只要有音标,你就可以很准确的读出来。这也是积累新词汇的一个方法。

If you want to speak fluent English, pronunciation is essential. If you don't pronounce it correctly, it's hard for others to understand what you're talking about. Therefore, to do a good job in English interpretation, the first step is to correct your pronunciation. As long as the pronunciation is right, whether you recognize the word or not, as long as there are phonetic symbols, you can read it very accurately. It's also a way to accumulate new words.


2. Syntax error


If you want to do a good job in English interpretation, speaking alone is not enough. You need to speak correctly. How can you speak correctly? This requires you to master the correct grammar knowledge. What is grammar? Grammar is the basic principle of a language. After learning these principles, you can go further on the road of English interpretation. Some people may speak English fluently, but they can't read and write. That's because they lack grammar knowledge.


3. Chinglish


Chinglish is the Chinglish we often speak. If you want to do a good job in English interpretation, you need to use English thinking instead of Chinese thinking to speak English. Although Chinglish may be more convenient at the beginning, it is actually a sugar coated shell in your English learning and practice.


4. Speed is too fast, need to be reduced


Some people will deliberately speak very fast, thinking that they will be able to speak closer to native English speakers. But English interpreters can't learn English quickly in a short time. Speaking fast is easy to miss some of the sound, which affects the effect of pronunciation. Speak slowly at the beginning, and remember to pronounce each syllable clearly.


5. Expression is not diversified enough


When your oral ability reaches a certain level, you need to study many ways of expression, practice using different sentences to express the meaning of a sentence, and learn the British way of thinking. In this way, you can make your English interpretation work more smoothly.

创建时间:2020-06-02 16:57
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