




                服务热线:010-62047337    移动电话:136-7135-4463




Create a large-scale, professional, team oriented precedent for China's translation industry.



Now there are more and more translation companies. Do you know what problems should be paid attention to in cooperation with translation companies? Not clear friends to listen to the introduction of Beijing translation company!


1. Choose a qualified and large-scale translation company first. The company should have contract translators who have worked for more than five years. A company without scale and qualifications can not guarantee the quality of your translation, especially those who do not even have their own fixed staff and rely on part-time staff to complete the task. Most of the companies belong to patchwork. In order to ensure the quality of contract translation, the company, especially the highly difficult translation of contract translation, can guarantee the quality of contract translation.


2. To understand the company's translation price, the general contract translation is higher than the ordinary translation quotation, but there is also a market price, when hearing the quotation, do not simply make a price evaluation, but to see how the level of the company's translators, high-level translation has its corresponding price, but also can not Exceeding the market price is too much, the translation of the cost and price coordination is reasonable (high-quality translation level of the general price is higher than the ordinary price), but can not rely on good quality to overcharge.


3. Depending on the company's reputation in the market and the feedback from customers, a good translation company must have a good reputation, a contract translation and financial translation and other special translation of high-quality personnel, and word-of-mouth is the most important, a company does not have a good word-of-mouth, reducing the credibility of customers.


The content of the above introduction is in cooperation with Beijing translation company need to pay attention to the problem, if this company above problems are no problem, then you can rest assured of cooperation.


创建时间:2020-07-24 20:48
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