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Nowadays, there are more and more translation companies in our life, and their prices are different. Do you know what the charging standards of common translation companies are? Here is a detailed introduction:


Common charging standards of translation companies:


1. According to the type of translation project


The common translation methods mainly include translation, simultaneous interpretation, localization, interpretation and so on. Different translation items lead to different charging standards.


2. According to the duration of the translation project


This duration is not a term, but rather the duration of the project: simultaneous interpretation, conference translation, business negotiation, bilingual hosting, interpretation, accompanying translation, exhibition translation. Of course, the video translation and recording translation are calculated according to the duration. The number of time and the type of meeting are the important influencing factors, and the translation time determines the translation price.


3. According to the number of words in the translation project


The number of words in a translation project is one of the important factors affecting the fee. The number of words translated is mainly for translation, such as document translation, book translation, material translation, picture album translation, etc. the number of words in these documents determines the translation price and translation fee standard of the project.


4. According to the language of the translation project


There are differences in translation fees between the mainstream languages: English, Japanese, Korean, etc. and the minor languages: Arabic, Greek, Indonesian, etc. We know that "rarity is the most valuable thing", so the price of translation in small languages will certainly be higher than that in mainstream languages.


5. According to the difficulty of the translation project


For translation companies, the charging standard of translation largely depends on the degree of difficulty of translation, and the terms of different industries are different, and the degree of difficulty is different; when translating, a mental work, translators should have excellent professional knowledge, and they can't do translation without certain strength, otherwise, the translated things are nothing but a joke.


Professional translation companies will assess and classify their own translation teams according to their translation level, professional knowledge, translation experience and other channels. The fees for high-level translators are naturally relatively high; professional translation companies can differentiate the difficulty and use of clients' manuscripts into different types. Such as general translation, fine translation, publishing level, etc., the quotation of different types of translation is different. The industry field of the manuscript, the difficulty of materials and the type of translation selected are the factors that determine the charging standard of translation companies.


The above content is the introduction of the common charging standards of translation companies. Finally, I want to give you a general idea of how to calculate the "thousand words" of the translation fee standard. The unit of 1000 words / yuan in the charging standards of all translation companies in China refers to 1000 Chinese characters. If it is a word file, it has its own statistical function. You just need to click the word count function in the toolbar to count the number of words displayed.


创建时间:2020-08-07 19:51
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