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In Beijing translation company, there are many people who don't understand the correct inspection and requirements of certificate translation. So let Beijing Zhilian Wentong translation company introduce it to you in detail!


1. Is it smooth to read


When checking the document translation, you should read it first to see whether the document is smooth and the content is reasonable. Certificate is to pay attention to the integrity of the language, but also to be able to grasp the rationality of the language, there can be no place is not smooth, affecting the readability of the certificate, the expression of language sentences should be reasonable in place. And in the process of reading, it is easy to find unreasonable places, which is easy to modify in time.


2. See if it's accurate


Certificate words pay attention to is accurate, in the use of words must also be considered in place, this is for the majority of translators also must be one of the inspection content, to be optimistic about their own words expression, optimistic about the corresponding word structure, meaning, etc. is more reasonable in place. After all, the words used in certificates are more accurate, and we also know that a word itself may have many meanings. When dealing with it, we should try to make the words a little more reasonable, so as to avoid other problems in translation.


3. Check for completeness


If the certificate translation, we must be optimistic about the integrity of the certificate, and be able to translate all the contents of the certificate in place. Due to some precise requirements of the certificate itself, including seal, signature, etc., it is also necessary to do a good job in all aspects of inspection, so as to avoid problems in translation and affect the usability of the whole certificate.


There are a lot of things that should be understood when dealing with document translation. For the majority of translators, they should also have corresponding consideration. According to the basic principles of translation and processing and inspection norms, it can ensure the easy development of translation work.


创建时间:2020-11-27 09:54
首页    证件翻译的正确检查以及要求

